Physical Therapy Services

Physical Therapy Evaluation

Physical therapy evaluation will consist of taking patient’s history, general body assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses, take objective measures and learn about the patient’s specific goals and needs. After that step, I will prepare a plan of care to address patient’s goals through different therapy approaches and techniques. With your authorization, I will contact your doctor’s office to confirm diagnosis and plan for your care.

Contact me for details!

Plastic Surgery Pre-Op Services

Pre-operative initial evaluation will include general assessment, appropriate garment fitting, prescription of exercises, home assessment, education about your procedure and other services as needed. All this so you know and learn what to expect of you recovery! Other services may be included depending on the type of procedures. I will call your MD’s office to confirm the type your procedure and follow your protocol during this process!

Do not skip this step! It will help you to plan your down-time and will also help you not to be SURPRISED by the challenges during recovery!

Contact me for details!

Plastic Surgery Post-op Services

Post-operative services typically will take place in the comfort of your home - Ideally, pre-operative evaluation was performed. I will evaluate and treatment will be initiated.

Number of visits will depend on your personal goal and type of procedure.

Contact me for details!


These programs will be designed to meet individual goals. These programs are designed to offer a high-quality visit to meet your individual goals and obtain maximum results. After a complete physical evaluation, a plan of care will be established, and the patient will be educated about it. This is a small cash-based business, and I will not accept medical insurance at this time.