I am Angela Johnson, I am originally from Brazil but have lived in Bowling Green, KY since 2006. I am a licensed physical therapist in the state of Kentucky and certified in Cosmetic Surgery Therapy. I own Amplitude Wellness and Physical therapy where I am focusing on offering private session on pre and post-operative plastic surgery rehabilitation. I want o offer to my patients the best experience possible after plastic surgery! This way, they can return to activites that matter to them as soon as possible. I have been working for the The Medical Center Health in Bowling Green for many years and you may have seen me in one of their clinics! Over the years I have accumulated experience in many areas, orthopedics and neurology. Services in this area may be offered by request.
I am married to Tommy Johnson and have two wonderful children, Gabriela and Benjamin. I also have two dogs, Joey and Bella.
Angela Johnson, PT,CCST
A bit from my story.
I graduated from Physical Therapy School in 2006 (I was going to graduate in 2002, but came to the U.S. on a scholarship so I put my studies on hold). In 2005 I went back to Brazil and finished my last year in PT School. After marrying Tommy Johnson in 2006, I moved to Bowling Green, KY and have been living here for 17 years. I went through a long process of becoming a certified physical therapist in the U.S. through W.K.U., overcame the language barriers and hold licenses in both places U.S and Brazil!
That time W.K.U. did not have PT school, however the university assisted me on completing the requirements classes.
In Brazil, physical therapy school included a class called Functional Dermatology, where I learned how PT’s can assist patients going through plastic surgery, reconstructive plastic surgeries, management of connect tissue diseases and burn care.
So, when I moved to the U.S. was surprised PT’s were not working in this area! However, I continued to do continued education courses when vacationing in Brazil.
Fasting forward to 2023, the Norton School of Lymphatics has now opened the doors for physical therapists to be officially certified in the area! I went all the way to NY to be now fully certified in Cosmetic Surgery Therapy! I can not wait to assist my patients to have optimal results after plastic surgery!